Terms and Conditions
Eligibility for participation
Our events are intended for persons over 20 years old, as our social events are often organized where liquor is served. Children may not be permitted by the venue (with the exception of restaurant areas, if applicable). Attendees must bring business cards and may be asked to show government ID by the venue staff.
Participation fee
Most of our events are free, but some events may require a participation or entry fee to enter. This will be posted clearly on the events page.
Code of Conduct
- Please conduct yourself professionally at all times.
- Please do not harrass our patrons. This includes strongly demanding contact information, or using any form of physical contact.
- Respect our guests point of view. Please allow others to express their views, and wait until it is your turn to speak your rebuttal.
- Comply with all laws. (Intellectual property rights, trademarks, designs, etc.)
- Dangerous good are strictly prohibited. Destructive and intimidating behavior, bringing in weapons, etc. will not be tolerated.
- Please follow the venue staff, security personnel, and nagoya.tech volunteer and general staff instructions.
- In the event of an argument with other patrons, one or both parties will be asked to leave immediately.
There is a “1 strike policy” for inappropriate behavior at our events. Patrons that break any of the following rules will be immediately asked to leave, and failure to do so may result in a permantent blacklisting from all future events.
Cancellation policy
- If you cannot attend our event, please cancel your RSVP within 7 business days
- Event advanced bookings, if applicable, are only refundable 7 days before the event unless stated otherwise on the events page
- In some cases, re-entry to paid events may not be possible during presentations and during filming.
Anti-harassment policy
Please don’t do anything to make someone feel bad. We do not allow any form harassment. This includes, but is not limited to:
- We are a community: all skill levels are welcome. We do not allow teasing, such as when basic questions are asked, or mistakes are made.
- Recruiters must identify themselves to NagoyaTech staff immediately before entering our events. At most events, recruiters are not allowed.
- We welcome everyone: discrimination for age or gender identity or sexual orientation will not be tolerated.
- You will respect the wearing of masks, physical characteristics, other handicap, disorders, and other illnesses
- Respect culture: nationality, language, religion, supporting political party, social status
- Please leave your politics and religions at home — these topics are strictly discouraged. Recruiting for either will result in a permanent ban
- Improper conversations, stalking, intimidation, extortion, unwanted photography and (public or secret) recordings
Photography policy
- Security video cameras will be used to ensure the safety of the event at all times. This footage may also be used for promotional materials.
- Cameras used at the event should play a shutter sound to alert others that photography is being taken
- Please note that photos and videos taken during the event may be posted on our social media accounts and in-house activity reporting materials.
- You are allowed to take group photography at the event and post it on your social media
- Please refrain from taking portraits of individual persons at close range without their express permission
- If an individual requests that a photo be deleted or removed from social media, please comply with their wishes
- Failure to comply with photography policy rules may result in permanent blacklisting at future events
Security policy
Please be mindful of your belongings — it is your sole responsibility to secure your belongings. If you have valuable materials, please contact our staff immediately before entering our event so we may assist you in securing your property. In some cases the venue may be able to assist, however this is done as a courtesy.
The venue and Nagoya.Tech are not responsible for lost or stolen cellphones, laptops, bags, purses, or other unattended materials. If there is a missing item, please contact our staff and law enforcement immediately.
Do not leave your valuables unattended and be mindful of your perimeter when entering and leaving the event. If you require assistance to safely get home, please let our staff know immediately. We recommend configuring taxi services on your smartphone before arrival in case of illness or change of plans.
Please report inappropriate acts
If you have witnessed or experienced an inappropriate act, please let us know. We will treat your report with the upmost privacy. info@nagoya.tech
- 常にプロフェッショナルな行動をとってください。
- パトロンに嫌がらせをしないでください。これには連絡先情報を強く要求することや、いかなる形態の身体的接触も含まれません。
- ゲストの視点を尊重してください。他の人が意見を述べるのを許し、反論する番になるまで待ってください。
- すべての法律を遵守してください。(知的財産権、商標、デザインなど)
- 危険物は固く禁じられています。破壊的および威圧的な行為、武器の持ち込みなどは容認されません。
- 会場スタッフ、警備員、nagoya.tech ボランティアおよび一般スタッフの指示に従ってください。
- 他の来場者と口論になった場合、一方または両方が直ちに退場するよう求められます。
イベントでの不適切な行動に対しては、1 回の違反で退場となります。以下のルールに違反した来場者は直ちに退場するよう求められ、違反した場合は今後のすべてのイベントから永久にブラックリストに登録される可能性があります。
キャンセル ポリシー
イベントに参加できない場合は、7 営業日以内に RSVP をキャンセルしてください。
イベントの事前予約は、イベント ページに別途記載がない限り、イベントの 7 日前までにのみ返金されます。
私たちはコミュニティです。あらゆるスキル レベルを歓迎します。基本的な質問をしたり、間違いを犯したりしたときなど、からかうことは許可されません。
- イベントの安全を常に確保するために、セキュリティビデオカメラが使用されます。この映像は、プロモーション資料にも使用される場合があります。イベントで使用するカメラは、写真撮影中であることを他の人に知らせるためにシャッター音を鳴らしてください
- イベント中に撮影された写真や動画は、当社のソーシャルメディアアカウントや社内活動報告資料に投稿される可能性があることにご注意ください。
- イベントでグループ写真を撮影し、ソーシャルメディアに投稿することは許可されています
- 本人の許可なく、近距離で個人の肖像画を撮影することは控えてください
- 個人がソーシャルメディアから写真を削除または削除するよう要求した場合は、その希望に従ってください
- 写真撮影ポリシーのルールに従わなかった場合、今後のイベントで永久にブラックリストに登録される可能性があります
不適切な行為を目撃または経験した場合は、お知らせください。報告は最大限のプライバシーをもって取り扱います。 info@nagoya.tech